In the world, about 1400 million adults are overweight and 500 million obese.

Although, BMI is an indirect measure of metabolic health, in the respiratory system it compromises the mechanical and pulmonary homeostasis due to the interaction of hormonal, metabolic, inflammatory, neurological, and dietary factors.

Among the mechanisms that contribute to the development of respiratory symptoms, patients with obesity have premature closure of the airway with each breath. Consequently, it has been observed that breathing is more superficial with greater effort and respiratory work that can affect the development of bronchial hyperreactivity.

Conditions associated with obesity are asthma, pulmonary hypertension, sleep apnea, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, pneumonia, and acute respiratory distress syndrome.

The diagnosis and treatment of respiratory complications in obese patients represent a challenge for health systems knowing the regional expression can strengthen the justification to develop the research processes aimed at clarifying the pathogenesis and provide the necessary resources that safeguard the correct care for these patients.

Dr P Harsha Vardhana Varma Penumatsa
Qualification : MBBS,M.D
Specialty : Chest Physician